Presentazione dello Studio:
Whether you are looking to buy or seeking to sell a property in Italy or if you are in need of advice from an English speaking Italian solicitor, De Tullio Law Firm can assist you.
De Tullio Law Firm is an Italian legal practice specialised in advising property buyers worldwide. Our lawyers have extensive experience and knowledge of Italian residential and commercial real estate law throughout Italy.
Similarly, De Tullio Law Firm can assist you with all aspects of inheritance. Whether you need support with drafting Wills, estate planning, handling probates, litigation, arbitration or inheritance tax.
De Tullio Law Firm is listed on the websites of the British and American embassies. Giandomenico De Tullio is regional representative for Puglia of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy and a full member of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), the leading worldwide professional body for practitioners in the fields of trusts, estates and related issues.
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